Saturday, March 30, 2013


One God, eternal, one book, one church,
One lord: one kingdom given on the earth,
One Word, under two testaments,
One church, given two (or seven) sacraments
(Whether effectual or semiotic,
Ask Johnny first, then Huldrych),
In the Godhead, three persons,
At the watershed (which worsens
Or betters, as you see fit,
The church—we could argue for a bit)
Three loud dissenting voices
Making relatively low-churchly choices,
Three days complete the ministry,
Three persons amounting to a mystery,
Four gospels revealing our salvation,
Five cries to summarize the revelation,
Six centuries (and a bit) between dear Constantine
And the cataclysm they call the East-West Schism,
Eight days before the covenantal sign
(Male children only submit to it—
Girls in this are fortunate),
And the fruit of the Spirit numbers nine.
For all seasons, God gives a time—
Even (perhaps) for a foolish rhyme.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Holy Year

Less love? Less love! Less love
cannot be the answer, mon Jean
de la Croix (not to say mein
kleiner Johann Kreuzens), never
less but more and more: love
transfigured, love restored,
regenerating caritas, some
vivified amor. Less love! you say!

Where grace is not can be no nature:
he is in all places,
he is at all times,
now in wrath
and now in mercy,
never in dilution
or diminution,
and always in grace, for

where grace is not can be no nature.
Cruciform earth, shaped in love,
that sea-green sphere of fire,
poised in air without
foundation. Wo und wer
ist sicher Grund? Der HERR.
Where grace is not can be no nature.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

In Vita Veritas

I. I believe in the power of
talking bullshit, in the
surge of small words in a
small circle, in a puff of
smoke and the smell of beer.
I want to be reminded of
the petty and the stupid, so
long as we can laugh. Give
me the sacrament of armchairs,
the liturgy of liquor and friends.

II. The flame of Horeb is all-
consuming, begun without
kindling- it cannot die.
Remind me (God! I will
forget) that pity is for
others, anger for myself.

III. Pity good men because they
suffer. Pity bad men because
they are yours, your
bones, your blood, your
brothers. Pity: I have little
else, and nothing so sweet to give.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Bones Like Wax

On the sidewalk and I cannot
breathe in this melody. It tears
me to bits. Feet like drums.
Lungs like razors. The
palm is a liar's tree- why,
then, do I hate it so?

Expand, they tell you, enlarge!
Dream of empire, swing from the
heels! Craven hearts, lacking the
courage of collapse, disdaining
the bravery of cowards. To be well
is hard enough. Banality is beyond us.

Was I true? I was never true.
I am only pretending to be a
person. The savage claws and
bites himself- I have only
words. I have no words at
all. Bloody eyes and bleary
hands, I wake to greet the sun.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

And Sarah Shall Have a Son

You came twisting into sight
like a world in miniature—
dark and warm and smelling
of some distant sea. Howl,
howl, distempered heart! Howl
to God and hail to God
in violent Christophany.

Teach your servant to repent—
he knows not how—teach
him to be contrite. Teach
him how to live, broken-hearted,
rejoicing, in lenten jubilee.
Behind all acts, the actor, thou—
teach your servant to repent.
He knows not why, nor how.

You drifted out, away from
sight—giddy grieving garishly—
a room writ large, a wayward
cosmonaut. You are the ghost
that haunts the dawn. You are
the stillness of the clock
in the violence of Christophany.