Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Frontier Sermon

The circuit-riding preacher
Came to town on back of
A black horse (“I call him
Evangelion, having shod him
With the Gospel”) and, stepping
Down, he called out for water.
He drank and washed and
Shook his golden head. “I

Come to you, Word of God in
Hand and six-gun on my
Belt, ready to declare to you
All the counsel of God
On high, and the mystery
Of his Son. Gather, children,

Sons and daughters, of God
And of the Devil, and hear that
Heavenly Word. Look around,
Look around, at this broad
And fearsome West, fashioned
By God against all wisdom
Not crucified with Christ.”

And again he paused, and again
He called, for whiskey and
Some bread, and blessed them
In Dakota’s dawn. When
He had drunk and ate, he
Opened up his book, he
Cleared his throat, and preached.