At the shore, a
sea-wind ate
my blood, so
warm and so red,
reminding me
sweetly of you.
Christ the Lord
died in a
glory of
voices, was raised
to crown the
dead. LORD God
of these
islands, be my comfort now.
There I saw
seaweed black
like hair on
driftwood horns—
behold, the
beast that cometh
from the sea,
the dragon
that is in the
We speak in
doubled voice. We
speak in many
voices: we speak in
chords. So give
us peace, give us
from beyond the doors,
of time and the
earthen possible.
O Savior of the
Almighty, crucified
for cancer:
Christus Consolator,
In Hoc Signo Vinces.
In Hoc Signo Vinces.